Poniżej znajdziesz najnowsze wieści z Mubende przysłane przez Marggie. Więcej o Mubende i o tym dlaczego zaangażowaliśmy się w wsparcie Marggie znajdziesz we wpisie AKCJA MUBENDE.
Dear all,
Thank you so much for accepting to adopt or sponsor children from uganda. When i met ola i didnt know that there was an Angel behind her. I thought she was just going to be a friend like others but am so happy that there is something moving on that had failed for 8years now.
By saying this am so happy and amaizingly overwhelmed by the way Families accepted to help our children in Uganda.
Fast of all i would like to let you all know that in Uganda we have had one President in 35years and the dictator is still in need of the power, my point is he is the Problem to our Country.
We currently have so many people Who are not educated and now what Alccu wants is to make sure that we educated the young people because what dictators do always is to keep people behind. We have so many children Who are orpharns because of HIV that robbed their parents others are volnerable because of the stuation in the community where they live. So most of the parents in our community just plant food and they have no any income generating Business.By education i think we shall reduce on the numbers of people Who live without creating anything that can help them to earn some money.
Our community has lived like this because there is no any developments in the area and people luck education but to me i think to reduce on the levals of the people Who gets HIV we must educate the new Generation, to reduce on un wanted pregnancy we must educate the new Generation to make people understand and be aware that HIV is not whitchcraft because most of them think its magic and they fall in the same stuation.
Our children likes to study and they also know the outcomes of studing. Thank you so much because by paying for them you are making the dream come true for the Future. At the Moment Uganda is still under covid lockdown and just a few children are allowed to stay at school but next year. We shall start the year with all our 350 children.
With this i would like to thank you for your Support and to let you know that we will never disapoint you all and may God bless your life and the lives of your loved ones. Thank because we can only achieve much when we are a team.
Kizza Margret (Marggie)

Wesprzyj szkołę w Mubende:
Pieniądze, które będą w całości przekazane ALCCU na leki i jedzenie, można wpłacać na konto Stowarzyszenia SOS Mubende z dopiskiem: AKCJA MUBENDE
ING Bank Śląski
Konto PLN: 27 1050 1070 1000 0090 3206 1021
Konto USD: 02 1050 1070 1000 0090 8077 2446
Możesz również zaangażować się w duchową lub finansową adopcję konkretnego dziecka. Wystarczy, że napiszesz do Oli Sawickiej: [email protected]!