List z Mubende #2

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Poniżej znajdziesz najnowsze wieści z Mubende przysłane przez Marggie. Więcej o Mubende i o tym dlaczego zaangażowaliśmy się w wsparcie Marggie znajdziesz we wpisie AKCJA MUBENDE.

Dear friends of ALCCU 
I would like to take this oppotunity to thank you for the Support you have given to us.By donating to US you have help our children to stay at school, we provide them with all they need to study like books, pen, penciles , colours and uniforms. Our children are so greatful and happy to sleep at school because they enjoy everything we provide for them and more so at school they are able to get 3 meals a day and this they cant get it at their Guardians homes.I would like to let you know that our children are so happy and with this they have decided to have their xmass from school.Am planning to organize for them some special meals and a bottle of Soda each because they dont always have it.With these few words i wish you all the best and i pray that this festive season Jesus will visit your homes and more blessing to all of you.

Thank you so much and may God bless your life.

Wesprzyj szkołę w Mubende:

Pieniądze, które będą w całości przekazane ALCCU  na leki i jedzenie, można wpłacać na konto Stowarzyszenia SOS Mubende z dopiskiem: AKCJA MUBENDE

ING Bank Śląski
Konto PLN: 27 1050 1070 1000 0090 3206 1021
Konto USD: 02 1050 1070 1000 0090 8077 2446

Możesz również zaangażować się w duchową lub finansową adopcję konkretnego dziecka. Wystarczy, że napiszesz do Oli Sawickiej: [email protected]!

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